Product Literature


The SYNTAX System is a fully integrated automated instrument that manages the template-free enzymatic synthesis of up to 96 oligos in parallel. This benchtop system synthesizes, desalts, quantifies, and normalizes …
Product Literature


The SYNTAX 96 Standard Kits include the reagents and consumables required for the parallel enzymatic synthesis of 96 ready-to-use DNA oligos of up to 80nt in length and are intended …
Product Literature


The SYNTAX 96 Hi-Fidelity Kits include the reagent and consumables required for the parallel enzymatic synthesis of 96 ready to-use DNA oligos of up to 120 nucleotides (nt) in length …
Viral infection disrupts intestinal homeostasis via Sting-dependent NF-κB signaling in Drosophila

Viral infection disrupts intestinal homeostasis via Sting-dependent NF-κB signaling in Drosophila

This paper used SYNTAX-labeled fluorescent probes for RNA FISH to highlight how viral infection affects intestinal physiology and also revealed important interactions between immune pathways, gut physiology and aging in …
Product Literature


This SYNTAX System brochure details our Enzymatic DNA Synthesis technology and the benefits it delivers for workflow control and DNA on demand via an easy benchtop instrument …
DNA synthesis technologies to close the gene writing gap

DNA synthesis technologies to close the gene writing gap

Synthetic DNA is of increasing demand across many sectors of research and commercial activities. Engineering biology, therapy, data storage and nanotechnology are set for rapid developments if DNA can be …
Assessment of enzymatically synthesized DNA for gene assembly

Assessment of enzymatically synthesized DNA for gene assembly

Phosphoramidite chemical DNA synthesis technology is utilized for creating de novo ssDNA building blocks and is widely used by commercial vendors. Recent advances in enzymatic DNA synthesis (EDS), including engineered …
Multiplex enzymatic synthesis of DNA with single-base resolution

Multiplex enzymatic synthesis of DNA with single-base resolution

Enzymatic DNA synthesis (EDS) is a promising benchtop and user-friendly method of nucleic acid synthesis that, instead of solvents and phosphoramidites, uses mild aqueous conditions and enzymes. For applications such …
Rapidly assemble genes in your laboratory using automated enzymatic oligo synthesis
Poster Presentations

Rapidly assemble genes in your laboratory using automated enzymatic oligo synthesis

A straightforward protocol combining the simplicity and speed of the SYNTAX system to commercially available kits and tools, full gene constructs can be rapidly assembled from ssDNA oligos within 3 …
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Mutagenesis Application Note
Application & Technical Notes

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Mutagenesis Application Note

This Application Note demonstrates the use of primers produced with EDS technology in a pragmatic, site-directed mutagenesis strategy for the production of optimized and variant SARS-CoV-2 spike protein expression plasmids …
SARS-CoV-2 Amplicon Sequencing Application Note
Application & Technical Notes

SARS-CoV-2 Amplicon Sequencing Application Note

This Application Note demonstrates the use of primers produced via EDS technology for whole-genome amplicon sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 isolates using the ARTIC network protocol …
Gene Assembly Application Note
Application & Technical Notes

Gene Assembly Application Note

This Application Note describes polymerase cycling assembly of two genes from oligos produced in-house via Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) and the benchtop SYNTAX System …
NGS and Sanger Sequencing Assay Support - On-demand Printing of Same-day Oligos Flyer
Product Literature

NGS and Sanger Sequencing Assay Support – On-demand Printing of Same-day Oligos Flyer

This flyer details the speed and accuracy of the SYNTAX System printer and SYNTAX synthesis, processing, and labelling kits to aid NGS and Sanger sequencing workflows …
qPCR Assay Support - Print Primers & Probes in a Single Day Flyer
Product Literature

qPCR Assay Support – Print Primers & Probes in a Single Day Flyer

This flyer details the speed and accuracy of the SYNTAX System printer and SYNTAX synthesis, processing, and labelling kits, aiding the optimization of qPCR assay workflows …
Gene Knockout Mutagenesis Application Note
Application & Technical Notes

Gene Knockout Mutagenesis Application Note

This Application Note demonstrates a gene knockout mutagenesis strategy approach to identify fungal target genes with a potential role in drug tolerance to existing antifungal compounds, using oligos produced with …
smFISH Application Note
Application & Technical Notes

smFISH Application Note

This Application Note presents the first report of viral smFISH in the gut of Drosophila melanogaster, performed with fluorophore-labeled DNA probes produced in-house with DNA Script’s Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) …
Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) enables decentralized and same-day access to DNA for critical study, developments and diagnosis to fight SARS-CoV-2
Poster Presentations

Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) enables decentralized and same-day access to DNA for critical study, developments and diagnosis to fight SARS-CoV-2

This scientific poster, in collaboration with The Jackson Laboratory and Laboratorio de Medicine Molecular, was presented at the ESHG 2021 Conference …
Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) Enables Rapid and Broad-Based Access to Synthetic Oligos Needed for the Genetic Analysis and Functional Characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Poster Presentations

Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) Enables Rapid and Broad-Based Access to Synthetic Oligos Needed for the Genetic Analysis and Functional Characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus

This scientific poster, in collaboration with the University of Helsinki and FIMM, was presented at the ASHG 2021 Conference …
Guide RNA Production Application Highlight
Application Highlights

Guide RNA Production Application Highlight

This Application Highlight demonstrates the guide RNAs prepared by the SYNTAX System support CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing …
Enzymatic DNA Synthesis Technical Note
Application & Technical Notes

Enzymatic DNA Synthesis Technical Note

This Technical Note examines Enzymatic DNA Synthesis and the core components making it the technology of choice for nucleic acid synthesis …
Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) enables decentralized and same-day access to DNA for critical study, developments, and diagnosis to fight SARS-CoV-2.
Poster Presentations

Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) enables decentralized and same-day access to DNA for critical study, developments, and diagnosis to fight SARS-CoV-2.

This scientific poster, in collaboration with The Jackson Laboratory and Laboratorio de Medicine Molecular, was presented at the AGBT 2021 Conference …